PADI Rescue Certification
PADI Rescue Diver certification will hone the skills you learned in Open Water and take your experience to the next level. Not to mention it is the most fun SCUBA class!
Even though the class is designed around rescuing others, you will learn more about yourself as a diver, how to be a better diver and become more aware of how to rescue yourself in case of trouble.
Divers must be 12 years or older and be in good health. Also, divers must have completed the PADI Advanced Open Water class including the Navigation dive. EFR and Secondary Care training must have been completed withing 24 months of taking the Rescue course.
Students must come to class with SCUBA quality mask, fins, boots and snorkel and compass. ht. BCD, regulator and wetsuit can be rented from the dive location or from a local dive shop.
This class consists of 10 Open Water Rescue Scenarios and knowledge development that must be completed prior to the open water dives. Divers will also take a final exam and create an emergency assistance plan.
Divers must be 10 years or over and in good health.
PADI Rescue Certification is offered May through October in the Midwest. You can plan and schedule the dives as a referral anywhere you would like to go or plan a trip with our team and complete the class with the same instructor.
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